Method Standards.JSON5.Validator()->validate_number()
- Method
)- Description
Verify that the specified value is a number (integer or float) according to the specified schema. The following properties of schema are verified:
- minimum
If the schema has the property "minimum", then the value must be greater than or equal to the specified minimum.
- exclusiveMinimum
If the schema has the properties "minimum" and "exclusiveMinimum" is Standards.JSON5.true, then the value must be greater than the specified minimum.
- maximum
If the schema has the property "maximum", then the value must be lower than or equal to the specified maximum.
- exclusiveMaximum
If the schema has the properties "maximum" and "exclusiveMaximum" is Standards.JSON5.true, then the value must be lower than the specified minimum.
- multipleOf
If schema has the property "multipleOf", then the value must be an integer multiple of the specified multpleOf.