Method Web.Sass.Compiler()->set_options()

Method set_options

void set_options(mapping(s8:s8|int) opts)


Set options to the SASS compiler.

Parameter opts
"output_style" : int

Any of the STYLE_NESTED, STYLE_EXPANDED, STYLE_COMPACT or STYLE_COMPRESSED constants. See also output_style.

"include_path" : string(8bit)

Path to root of incude files. See also include_path.

"source_map_file" : string(8bit)

File to write source map file to. See also source_map_file.

"source_comments" : bool

Turn on/off comments in the output containing info about the source file - line numbers and such. Default of false. See also source_comments.

"source_map_embed" : bool

Turn on/off if a source map should be embedded in the output or not. Default is false. See also source_map_embed.

"source_map_root" : string(8bit)

Set the root path of the source files, relative to where the file is written. See also source_map_root

"omit_source_map_url" : bool

Omit the #sourceMappingURL or not. See also omit_source_map_url

"sass_syntax" : bool

Turn on/off Sass syntax, i.e. indented syntax. Only necessary when using compile_string()

"precision" : int

Floating point precision. See also precision.